Sunday, January 16, 2011

Week 2 of 2011

Ran 13 miles this week.. which is a little off my mileage but I am fine with that all things considered. :)

Yesterday I ran a new trail in Riverside that was harder than I thought it was going to be. The 1st picture below was the grade for most of the course.  It wiped me out and I REALLY didn't want to run today so I didn't. I decided that I sorta like taking Sundays off - from everything. I didn't even read!!

Some good news from the week... I am getting two new grad students to help me on the study I am currently running, which is wonderful!! It will be really nice to have a grad student team for the Adapting to Aging Out study instead of just me and my assistant.. even though she ROCKS! This couldn't have come at a better time too.. since my assistant Jackie is leaving to go to grad school this summer. Me and everyone else in the lab kept trying to talk her into applying to our lab for grad school.. but she insists on clinical training.. we couldn't get her to switch teams. But hey, if I ever need a therapist down the road I will know who to ask. ;)

I am still reading about 10 hours a day trying to prep for my 19 hour test coming this March 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th, and 17th. This is such an undertaking. I have NEVER studied or read SO much in my life. I really hope I can pass this test. If I pass I will be considered ADB (All But Dissertation). Trying to read all of these articles and books have really taken over all of my free time. Even when I am trying to do other things I am constantly thinking about all the things I still need to read and understand. 

I can't wait for March to be over and yet at the same time I want it to go slooooow. I still have SO much to read. The books are what is killing me I think I need to read 8 or 9 of them. Ugh. To keep myself motivated I have made lists that I get to cross things off of when I complete reading them.. which feels VERY satisfying. 

Someone actually asked to see what I had to read. So here it is below.. the lists of works I need to know for my test.. the ones crossed out I have finished reading and outlining. It is slow but it is getting done!! These are great reads for people interested in the development of humans btw!! You can google almost all of them if you are interested. 



Baltes, P B., Lindenberger, U, Staudinger, UM. (2006). Life Span Theory in Developmental Psychology. In Handbook of Child Psychology Volume 1.  (pp. 569-664).Hoboken: John Wiley & Sons, Inc.

Bandura, A. (2001). Social cognitive theory: An agentic perspective. Annual Reivew of Psychology, 52, 1-26.

                        Bjorklund, D. F., & Pelligrini, A. D. (2000). Child development and evolutionary psychology. Child Development, 71, 1687

           Bretherton, I., & Munholland, K. A. (1999). Internal working models in attachment relationships: A construct revisited. In J. Cassidy & P. R. Shaver (Eds.), Handbook of attachment: Theory, research, and clinical applications (pp. 89-111). New York: Guilford.

Bronfenbrenner, U., & Morris, P.A. (2006). The ecology of developmental processes. In W. Damon & R.M. Lerner (Eds.), Handbook of child psychology, 5th edition, Vol. 1. NY: Wiley.

Elder, G. H., Jr. (1998).  The life course as developmental theory.  Child Development, 69, 1-12.

Gauvain, M., & Perez, S. M. (2007). The socialization of cognition. In J. Grusec & P. Hastings (Eds.), Handbook of socialization: Theory and research (pp. 586-613). NY: Guilford.

Gauvain, M. (1998). Cognitive development in social and cultural context. Current Directions in Psychological Science, 7, 188-192.

Gottleib, G. (2000). Environmental and behavioral influences on gene activity. Current Directions in Psychological Science, 9, 93-97.

Masten, A. S. (2001). Ordinary magic: Resilience processes in development. American Psychologist, 56(3), 227-238.

McLoyd, V. C. (1998). Socioeconomic disadvantage and child development. American Psychologist, 53, 185-204.

Miller, P. H. (most recent ed). Theories of developmental psychology. New York: W. H. Freeman.

Patterson, G. R. (1993) Orderly change in a stable world: The antisocial trait as a chimera. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 61, 911-919.

Rogoff, B., Moore, L., Najafi, B., Dexter, A., Correa-Chavez, M., & Solis, J. (2007). Children’s development of cultural repertoires through participation in everyday routines and practices. In J. Grusec & P. Hastings (Eds.), Handbook of socialization: Theory and research (pp. 490-515). NY: Guilford.

Schaffer, H. R. (2006) Key Concepts in Developmental Psychology. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications.

Sroufe, L. A., & Rutter, M. (1984). The domain of developmental psychopathology. Child Development, 55, 17-29.

Super, C. M., & Harkness, S. (1986). The development niche: A conceptualization of the interface of child and culture. International Journal of Behavioral Development, 2, 545-569.


Ambert, A.-M., Adler, P. A., Adler, P. & Detzner, D. F. (1995). Understanding and evaluating qualitative research. Journal of Marriage and the Family, 57, 879-893.

Cook, T. D. & Campell, D. T. (1979). Quasi-experimentation: Design and analysis issues of field settings. Chicago: Rand McNally, Chapters 1 and 2.

Donaldson, G. & Horn, J.L. (1992). Age, cohort, and time developmental muddles:  Easy in practice, hard in theory.  Experimental Aging Research, 18, 213-222.
Granic, I., & Hollenstein, T. (2003). Dynamic systems methods for models of developmental psychopathology. Development and Psychopathology, 15(3), 641-669.

Horn, J. L., & McArdle, J. J. (1992). A practical and theoretical guide to measurement invariance in aging research. Experimental Aging Research, 18, 117-144.

Widaman, KF. & Reise, S.P. (1997). Exploring the measurement invariance of psychological instruments: Applications in the substance use domain (pp. 281-324). In The science of prevention: Methodological advances from alcohol and substance abuse research. American Psychological Association, Washington, DC, US.

Reynolds, C. A., Gatz, M., & Pedersen, N. L. (2002). Individual variation for cognitive decline: Quantitative methods for describing patterns of change. Psychology & Aging, 17(2), 271-287.

Rogosa, D. (1995). Myths and Methods: Myths about longitudinal research plus supplemental questions. In J.M. Gottman (Ed.), The analysis of change. (pp. 3-66): Mahwah, New Jersey: Larwrence Erlbaum Associates, Inc.

Rutter, M. (1989). Age as an ambiguous variable in developmental research: Some epidemiological considerations from developmental psychopathology. International Journal of Behavioral Development, 12, 603-626.

Rutter, M., Pickles, A., Murray, R., & Eaves, L. (2001). Testing hypotheses on specific environmental causal effects on behavior. Psychological Bulletin, 127, 291-324.

Schaie, K. W. (2000). The impact of longitudinal studies on understanding development from young adulthood to old age. International Journal of Behavioral Development, 24, 257-266.

Schaie, K. W. (1965). A general model for the study of developmental problems. Psychological Bulletin, 64, 92-107.

Siegler, R. S., & Crowley, K. (1991). The microgenetic method: A direct means for studying cognitive development. American Psychologist, 46, 606-620.

Schwarz, N. (1999). Self-reports: How the questions shape the answers. American Psychologist, 54, 93-105.

Whiting, B. (1975). Problems of cross-cultural research:  Age as a packaged variable.  In K. F. Reigel, & J. A. Meacham, (Eds.), The developing individual in a changing world. Historical and cultural issues, Vol. 1. The Hague: Mouton, 303-309.

See also:
Metropolitan Area Child Study (2002). A cognitive-ecological approach to preventing aggression in urban settings: Initial outcomes for high-risk children. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 70, 179-194.


Bjorklund, D. F. (most recent edition). Children’s thinking: Cognitive development and individual differences. Belmont, CA: Wadsworth
Siegler, R.S., & Alibali, M.W.  (most recent edition). Children’s thinking. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice Hall.

Deary, I.J. (2001). Human intelligence differences: A recent history. Trends in Cognitive Sciences, 5, 127-130

Flavell, J. H. (2004). Theory-of-mind development: Retrospect and prospect. Merrill-Palmer Quarterly, 50, 274-290.

Flynn, J. (1999).  Searching for justice:  The discovery of IQ gains over time.  American Psychologist, 54, 5 – 20.

Gauvain, M.  (2001). The social context of cognitive development.  NY: Guilford. (Chapters 1, 2, 3, and 8).

Hyde, J.S. (2005). The gender similarities hypothesis. American Psychologist, 60, 581-592.

               Piaget, J. (2006). Piaget’s theory. In K. Lee (Ed.), Childhood cognitive development: The     essential readings (pp. 33-47). Malden, MA: Blackwell.

Reynolds, C.A., Finkel, D., McArdle, J.J, Gatz, M., Berg, S. & Pedersen, N.L. (2005).  Quantitative genetic analysis of latent growth curve models of cognitive abilities in adulthood. Developmental Psychology, 41, 3-16.

Richert, R. A., & Lillard, A. S. (2002). Children’s understanding of the knowledge prerequisites of drawing and pretending. Developmental Psychology, 38, 1004-1015.

Sabbagh, M. A., Xu, F., Carlson, S. M., Moses, L. J., & Lee, Kang (2006). The development of executive functioning and theory of mind: A comparison of Chinese and U.S. preschoolers. Psychological Science, 17, 74-81.

Siegler, R. S. (2007). Cognitive variability. Developmental Science, 10, 104-109.

Vygotsky, L. S. (1978).  Mind in Society. [Introduction and Biographical Note, Chs. 1, 3, 4, 5, and 6.]

Wang, Q. (2008). Emotion knowledge and autobiographical memory across the preschool years: A cross-cultural longitudinal investigation. Cognition, 108, 117-135.
See also:
Baltes, P B., Lindenberger, U, Staudinger, UM. (2006). Life Span Theory in Developmental Psychology. In Handbook of Child Psychology Volume 1.  (pp. 569-664).Hoboken: John Wiley & Sons, Inc.


Cole, P. M., Martin, S. E., & Dennis, T. A. (2004). Emotion regulation as a scientific construct: Methodological challenges and directions for child development research. Child Development, 75, 317-333.

Denham, S. A. (1998). Emotional development in young children. NY: Guilford. (Chapters 1, 2, & 5)

Eisenberg, N., Cumberland, A., Spinrad, T. L., Fabes, R. A., Shepard, S. A., Reiser, M., et al. (2001). The relations of regulation and emotionality to children's externalizing and internalizing problem behavior. Child Development, 72(4), 1112-1134.

            Kochanska, G., Coy, K., & Murray, K. T. (2001). The development of self-regulation in the first 4 years of life. Child Development, 72(4), 1031-1111.

Lengua, L. J. (2002). The contribution of emotionality and self-regulation to the understanding of children's response to multiple risk. Child Development, 73(1), 144-161.

Rothbart, M. K., & Bates, J. E. (2006). Temperament. In W. Damon & N. Eisenberg (Eds.), Handbook of child psychology, Vol. 3, 6th edition. NY: Wiley.


Chao, R. (1994).  Beyond parental control & authoritarian parenting style:  Understanding Chinese parenting through the cultural notion of training.  Child Development, 65, 1111-1119.

Eisenberg, N., Fabes, R. A., & Spinrad,T (2006). Prosocial development. In W. Damon & N. Eisenberg (Ed.), Handbook of child psychology, Vol 3, 6thedition, NY: Wiley.

Guerra, N.G., & Leidy, M. (2008). Lessons learned: Recent advances in the prevention and treatment of childhood aggression. In R. Kail (Ed.) Advances in child development and behavior, Volume 36 ( pp. 287-330). Boston, MA: Elsevier

Kim et al. (2006). Longitudinal course and family correlates of sibling relationships from childhood through adolescence. Child Development, 77, 1746-1761.

LeVine, R., Dixon, S., LeVine, S., Richman, A., Keefer, C., Liederman, P. H., & Brazelton, T. B.  (2008).  The comparative study of parenting.  In R. A. LeVine & R. S. New, Anthropology and Child Development, Blackwell Publishing.

Metropolitan Area Child Study (2002). A cognitive-ecological approach to preventing aggression in urban settings: Initial outcomes for high-risk children. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 70, 179-194.

Moffitt, T. E. (1993). Adolescence-limited and life-course-persistent antisocial behavior: A developmental taxonomy. Psychological Review, 100(4), 674-701.

Natsuaki, M N. (2009). Aggressive behavior between siblings and the development of externalizing problems: Evidence from a genetically sensitive study. Developmental psychology, 45(4), 1009-1018.

Parke, R. D., & Buriel, R. (2006). Socialization in the family. In W. Damon &R.M. Lerner (Series Eds.), & N. Eisenberg (Vol. Ed.), Handbook of child psychology. Vol.3, 6th ed. NY: Wiley.

Rodkin, P. C., Farmer, T. W, Pearl, J., & VanAcker, R. (2000). Heterogeneity of popular boys: Antisocial and prosocial configurations. Developmental Psychology, 36, 14-24.

Sroufe, L. A., Egeland, B., & Carlson, E. A. (1999).  One social world:  The integrated development of parent-child and peer relationships.  In W. A. Collins & B. Laursen (Eds.), Relationships as developmental contexts:  The Minnesota Symposia on Child Psychology, Vol. 30.  Mahwah, NJ:  Erlbaum.

Thompson, R. (2006). Early socioemotional development.  In W. Damon & N. Eisenberg (Eds.), Handbook of child psychology, Vol. 3, 6th edition. NY: Wiley.

            Vandell, D. J. (2000). Parents, peer groups, and other socializing influences. Developmental Psychology, 36, 699-710.

Weissberg, R. P., & Greenberg, M. T. (1998). School and community competence-enhancement and prevention programs. In W. Damon (Series Ed.) & I. E. Sigel & K. A. Renninger (Vol. Eds). Handbook of child psychology: Vol 4. Child psychology in practice. (5th ed., pp. 877-954). New York: Wiley.


Arsenio, W. F., & Lemerise, E. A. (2004). Aggression and moral development: Integrating social information processing and moral domain models. Child Development, 75, 987-1002.

Callaghan, T., Rochat, P., Lillard, A., Claux, M. L., Odden, H., Itakura, S., Tapanya, S., & Singh, S. (2005). Synchony in the onset of mental state reasoning: Evidence from five cultures. Psychological Science, 16(5), 378-384.

Crick, N. R., & Dodge, K. A. (1994). A review and reformulation of social information processing mechanisms in children’s social adjustment. Psychological Bulletin, 115, 74-101.

Hermann, E., Call, J., Hernandez-Lloreda, M.V., Hare, B., Tomasello, M. (2007). Humans have evolved specialized skills of social cognition: The cultural intelligence hypothesis. Science, 317, 1360-1366.

Harter, S. (2006 ). The development of self-representations. In W. Damon & N. Eisenberg (Eds.), Handbook of child psychology, Vol. 3, 6th edition. New York: Wiley.

Lemerise, E. A., & Arsenio, W.F. (2000). An integrated model of emotion processes and cognition in social information processing. Child Development, 71, 107-118.

Olson, K. R., & Dweck, C. S. (2008). A blueprint for social cognitive development. Perspectives on Psychological Science, 3(3), 193-202.

Turnbull, W., Carpendale, J. I. M., & Racine, T. P. (2009). Talk and children’s understanding of mind. Journal of Consciousness Studies, 16(6-8), 140-166.


Belsky, J., & Pluess, M. (2009). The nature (and nurture?) of plasticity in early human development. Perspectives on Psychological Science, 4(4), 345-351.

Boyce, W. T. (2007). A biology of misfortune: Stress reactivity, social context, an the ontogeny of psychopathology in early life. In A. S. Masten (Ed.), Minnesota symposia on child psychology - Multilevel dynamics in developmental psychopathology: Pathways to the future.  (pp. 45-82). New York: Taylor & Francis Group/Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.

Cicchetti, D., & Curtis, W. J. (2006). The developing brain and neural plasticity: Implications for normality, psychopathology, and resilience. In D. Cicchetti and D. J. Cohen (Eds.), Developmental Psychopathology (2nd ed.): Developmental Neuroscience (Vol. 2, pp. 1-64). New York: Wiley.

Collins, W. A., Maccoby, E. E., Steinberg, L., Hetherington, E. M., & Bornstein, M. H. (2000). Contemporary research on parenting: The case for nature and nurture. American Psychologist, 55(2), 218-232.

Gottlieb, G., & Halpern, C. T. (2002). A relational view of causality in normal and abnormal development. Development and Psychopathology, 14, 421-435.

Rutter, M. (2006). Genes and Behavior: Nature-Nurture Interplay Explained. Malden, MA: Blackwell Publishing.

Santucci, A. K., Silk, J. S., Shaw, D. S., Gentzler, A., Fox, N. A., & Kovacs, M. (2008). Vagal tone and temperament as predictors of emotion regulation strategies in young children. Developmental Psychobiology, 50, 205-216.

Yates, T. M. (2007). The developmental consequences of child emotional abuse: A neurodevelopmental perspective. Journal of Emotional Abuse, 7(2), 9-34.

The Role of Narrative and Representation in Development

Adler, J. M., & McAdams, D. P. (2007c). Time, culture, and stories of the self. Psychological Inquiry, 18, 97􏰀99.

*[Bretherton, I., & Munholland, K. A. (1999). Internal working models in attachment relationships: A construct revisited. In J. Cassidy & P. R. Shaver (Eds.), Handbook of attachment: Theory, research, and clinical applications (pp. 89-111). New York: Guilford.]

 [Book] Emde, R., Wolf, D., & Oppenheim, D. (2003). Revealing the Inner Worlds of Young Children The MacArthur Story Stem Battery and Parent-Child Narratives. New York: Oxford University Press.

Fiese, B., & Spagnola, M. (2005). Narratives in and about families: An examination of coding schemes and a guide for family researchers. Journal of Family Psychology, 19, 51–61.

Fivush, R. (in press). The Development of Autobiographical Memory.

Fivush, R. (2006). Scripting attachment: Generalized event representations and internal working models. Attachment and Human Development, 8, 283–289.

*[Gauvain, M. (2001). The social context of cognitive development. NY: Guilford.]

Habermas, T., & Bluck, S. (2000). Getting a life: The emergence of the life story in adolescence. Psychological Bulletin, 126, 748–769.

Main, M, Kaplan, N, & Cassidy, J. (1985). Security in infancy, childhood, and adulthood: A move to the level of representation. In I. Bretherton & E. Waters (Eds.), Growing points of attachment theory and research. Monographs of the Society for Research in Child Development, 50(1-2, Serial No. 209), 66-104.

McLean, K. C., & Breen, A. V. (2009). Processes and content of narrative identity development in adolescence: Gender and well-being. Developmental Psychology, 45, 702–710.

 [Book] McLean, K.C., & Pasupathi, M. (2009). Narrative Development in Adolescence: Creating the Storied Self (Advancing Responsible Adolescent Development). Indiana University, Bloomington, IN: Springer

Oppenheim, D., & Waters, H. (1995). Narrative processes and attachment representations: Issues of development and assessment. Monographs of the Society for Research in Child Development, 60(2-3), 197-215.

Park, C. L., Edmondson, D., Fenster, J. R., & Blank, T. O. (2008). Meaning making and psychological adjustment following cancer: The mediating roles of growth, life meaning, and restored just-world beliefs. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 76, 863–875.

Bar-Haim, Y., Fox, N. A., VanMeenen, K. M., & Marshall, P. J. (2004). Children's narratives and 
patterns of cardiac reactivity. Developmental Psychobiology,  44(4), 238-249.

Thorne, A., Cutting, L., & Skaw, D. (1998). Young adults' relationship memories and the life story:
Examples of essential landmarks? Narrative Inquiry, 8(2),  237-268.

The Role of Narrative and Representation Processes in Negotiating Adversity

Bohanek, J.G., Fivush, R., & Walker, C. (2005). Memories of positive and negative emotional events. Applied Cognitive Psychology, 19, 51–66.

Boydell, K. M., Goering, P., & Morrell-Bellai, T. L. (2000). Narratives of identity: Re-presentation of self in people who are homeless. Qualitative Health 
Research, 10(1), 26-38.

Fivush R, Sales JM. (2006). Coping, attachment, and mother-child narratives of stressful events. Merrill-Palmer Q. 52:125–50

Fivush, R., Hazzard, A., Sales, J. M., Sarfatti, D., & Brown, T. (2003). Creating coherence out of chaos? Children’s narratives of emotion-ally positive and negative events. Applied Cognitive Psychology, 17, 1–19.

Greig, A., Minnis, H., Millward, R., Sinclair, C., Kennedy, E., Towlson, W., & Hill, J. (2008). Relationships and learning: A review and investigation of 
narrative coherence in looked-after children in primary school. Educational Psychology in Practice, 24(1), 13-27.

Hauser, S. T., & Allen, J. P. (2006). Overcoming adversity in adolescence: Narratives of resilience. Psychoanalytic Inquiry, 26, 549-576.

Holmberg, J., Robinson, J. L., Corbitt-Price, J., & Wiener, P. (2007). Using narratives to assess competencies and risks in young children: Experiences with high
risk and normal populations. Infant Mental Health Journal, 28(6), 647-666.

Koren-Karie, N., Oppenheim, D., & Getzler-Yosef, R. (2008). Shaping children’s internal working models through Mother-child Dialogues: the importance of resolving past maternal trauma. Attachment & Human Development, 10(4), 465–483.

Macfie J, Toth SL, Rogosch FA, Robinson J, Emde R. N. (1999). Effect of maltreatment on preschoolers’ narrative representations of response to relieve distress and of role reversal. Dev. Psychol. 15:460–65

Miller, K. E. (1996). The effects of state terrorism and exile on indigenous Guatemalan refugee children: A mental health assessment and an analysis of children's 
narratives. Child Development, 67, 89-106.

Stover, C. S., Van Horn, P., & Lieberman, A. F. (2003, April). Parental Representations in the play of preschool aged witnesses of marital violence. Poster presented at the Biennial Meeting of the Society for Research in Child Development, Tampa, FL.

Toth SL, Cicchetti D, Macfie J, Emde RN. 1997. Representations of self and other in the narratives of neglected, physically abused, and sexually abused preschoolers. Dev. Psychopathol. 9:781–96

Waldinger, R. J., Toth, S. L., & Gerber, A. (2001). Maltreatment and internal representations of relationships: Core relationship themes in the narratives of abuse
and neglected preschoolers. Social Development, 10, 41-58.


  1. Looks like a LOT of reading! It will definitely be worth it though! I took my final licensure exam for my field last January and I remember all the time I spent studing and it was insane but when I passed, it was all worth it!!

  2. Sometimes the brain benefits as much as the body from forced rest. I expect you'll approach that extensive reading list with new vigor. Good luck!

  3. I read your post this morning before I headed out for my six miles. I was dragging and didn't want to go out on this icey and cold and dark morning. Your photos of your run only made me not want to go out even more! I am so ready to be done with winter running! Maybe we need to move somewhere warmer than Indiana!

    What an impressive list of reading! Good luck! You've gotten quite a bit done already!

    Have a great day!

  4. Thanks guys!! It is gonna happen!!! :D
